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Breastfeeding is nature’s health plan


Making the decision to breastfeed is a personal matter. It’s also one that’s likely to draw strong opinions from friends and family.

Breast milk is best for your baby, and the benefits of breastfeeding extend well beyond basic nutrition. In addition to containing all the vitamins and nutrients your baby needs in the first six months of life, breast milk is packed with disease-fighting substances that protect your baby from illness.

That’s one reason Many  medical authorities, including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, strongly recommend breastfeeding. But you and your baby are unique, and the decision is up to you. This overview of breastfeeding can help you decide.

What Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding for Your Baby?

Breastfeeding is nature's health plan

Breast milk provides the ideal nutrition for infants. It has a nearly perfect mix of vitamins, protein, and fat — everything your baby needs to grow. And it’s all provided in a form more easily digested than infant formula. Breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria and antibodies to help your baby’s body and brain develop.

Breastfeeding has been linked to higher IQ scores in later childhood in some studies. What’s more, the physical closeness, skin-to-skin touching, and eye contact all help your baby bond with you and feel secure.

Breastfeeding Benefits for the Mother?

Breastfeeding is nature's health

Breastfeeding burns extra calories, so it can help you lose pregnancy weight faster. Mothers who breastfeed recover from childbirth more quickly and easily. The hormone oxytocin, released during breastfeeding, acts to return the uterus to its regular size more quickly and can reduce postpartum bleeding. Breastfeeding also lowers your risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

What’s the Best Position for Breastfeeding?

Few moms think breastfeeding will come naturally — and they get put to the test in those first days and weeks. “It’s supposed to be the most beautiful time in your life, yet you’re full of insecurities, not knowing if you’re doing it right. But relax I will discuss best position for breastfeeding.

The best position for you is the one where you and your baby are both comfortable and relaxed, and you don’t have to strain to hold the position or keep nursing.

Side-lying hold

Side-lying hold: To feed on the left breast, lie on your left side with your back supported. Lay baby on his side facing you, his chest against yours. Your right arm will support his body, and your right hand will support his head, bringing him toward your breast. Some mothers are more comfortable with the baby.

Cradle hold

Cradle hold: This classic breastfeeding position requires you to the baby lies on his side, tummy against mom’s tummy, supported by her left arm while he nurses on the left breast. The mother may put her right hand under baby’s bottom, or use it to support or adjust her breast. Sit in a chair that has supportive armrests or on a bed with lots of pillows. Rest your feet on a stool, coffee table, or other raised surface to avoid leaning down toward your baby.

Laid-back breastfeeding - Copy

Laid-back breastfeeding: “Many moms and babies love the laid-back breastfeeding position because it’s so natural for baby and relaxing for mom,” says Stephanie Nguyen. It also called “biological nurturing,” this involves having the mother find a comfortable, well-supported, semi-reclining position, and putting her new baby tummy down on her belly or chest in a vertical position.

Football hold

Football hold: Hold baby at your side face up and lengthwise, supported by pillows. If nursing on your right side, use your right arm to support baby at your side, and guide her head to your breast.

Cross-cradle hold

Cross-cradle hold:  This is the one most moms prefer because baby is draped across your body and you can easily see what he’s doing when latching. It’s also the easiest nursing-in-public position. It’s uncomfortable to keep using this position as the baby gets bigger. In this position, the mother feeding her baby on the left breast would use her left hand to support her breast, and her right arm and hand to support the baby.

Know about ABC of Breastfeeding?

  • A = Awareness. Watch for your baby’s signs of hunger, and breastfeed whenever your baby is hungry. This is called “on demand” feeding. The first few weeks, you may be nursing eight to 12 times every 24 hours. Don’t wait for your baby to cry. That’s a sign he’s too hungry.
  • B = Be patient. Breastfeed as long as your baby wants to nurse each time. Don’t hurry your infant through feedings. Infants typically breastfeed for 10 to 20 minutes on each breast.
  • C = Comfort. This is key. Relax while breastfeeding, and your milk is more likely to “let down” and flow. Get yourself comfortable with pillows as needed to support your arms, head, and neck, and a footrest to support your feet and legs before you begin to breastfeed.

Use of this site and the information contained here in does not create a doctor-patient relationship. We don’t know about your health position. So Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

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What Is Cyber Crime-Definition- Types – Helplines

Cyber Crime-Definition- Types – Helplines

Have you ever come across an email stating that you have been gifted $300 million donation fund from a diplomat living in United Kingdom? Have you been asked to forward your bank account details to make sure that the specific donation amount gets deposited safely? Then, this is certainly a type of cyber crime or phishing scam that will finally result to cleaning out of your valuable money from the bank account. Below are discussed some vital facts that will help you in gaining detail knowledge about Cyber crime in an easier way.

Cyber Crime

Definition of Cyber crime

Cyber crime is a type of crime that involves computers and networks. In other words, cyber crime is referred to a crime in which a highly experienced and professional computer user or a hacker steals the vital information of an individual person or a company in a motive to perform illegal activity. The unauthorized computer user generally uses high end tools to perform various types of cyber crimes in a smart way. What are the different types of Cyber crimes and its Examples?

1.  Identity theft

Identity theft is referred to a cyber crime in which an unknown person tries to steal sensitive information of someone else in order to gain access to his financial resources. The unauthorized computers or hackers generally use the computer networks to steal major information of a person such as his phone number, bank account number, credit card numbers, passwords or even social security number and thereby gain access to his bank account. An unbelievable example of this cyber crime is stealing of millions of dollars of some of the richest people of America that includes Steven Spielberg and Warren Buffet by Abraham Abdullah in 2001.

2. Child pornography

This is also a major type of cyber crime that involves creating and then distributing sexual content on the web. In other words it refers to creating of sexual content of underage children by using computer networks and then distributing them on the internet. A well known example is the case of Peter Scully, an Australian who developed sexual content of small children to sell them on the internet.

3. Cyber crime using computer viruses

The ultimate aim of the makers of the computer viruses is to install or spread the harmful virus or program in the computer system by embedding it in the email of a user that ultimately results to loss of personal data or even sensitive information. A common example is spread of virus within the computer network once an unknown email with an attachment is opened by a user.

4. Cyber terrorism

Cyber terrorism has emerged to be a major cyber crime that has become a threat to the people in different parts of the world. The ultimate target of Cyber terrorism is to intentionally develop terrorism in a specific region. A deadly example of Cyber terrorism is the September 11 attacks or 9/11 attacks in United States of America. The best way to get rid of this unavoidable situation is to prevent sharing of sensitive or private information and even installing unidentified software from the web.

Useful Links related to Cyber Crime

Website of Cyber Crime Investigation Cell , EOW, Mumbai.
Cyber Crime Cells in India
Cyber Cells India, Cyber Crime Police Stations
Cyber Crime Helpline – Call us 24*7*365 Days
Computer and Internet-Related Crime – Kolkata Police

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Top tips to make a blog website free



Are you willing to start a blog but wondering whether you will be able to afford it? Now a day’s blogging has gained huge popularity not just only to convey a personal thought or opinion about a specific thing but also to promote a brand within the market in the best possible way. Below are discussed some of the vital steps that you must analyze in order to make a blog website free without any sort of stress.

1. Try to determine the reasons behind creating a blog

This is certainly the first and foremost important point that you need to analyze in order to handle the further process of creating blog website in a convenient way. You must try to determine the ultimate purpose of blogging as this will help you in attracting online users towards your website in a smart way. Nowadays people start blogs for various unique purposes such as to convey personal voice, make money by blogging or even to increase a brand image or build a good relationship with the customers in a smart way.

2. What will your blog focus on?

Since there are different types of blogs available on the web, it will certainly be wise for you to determine on what your blog will be focusing on. A blog can focus on different types of aspects such as about the latest fashion trends, marketing tricks, healthy eating, religion and many more. This point will help you in choosing an appropriate blogging platform on which you will be able to post free blog and attract potential readers in a proper manner.

3. Gain information about the various reputed blogging platforms

After you have created a soft copy of your blog, now it’s time for you to gain detail information about the reputed blogging platforms on the web. Some of the platforms that have gained huge popularity among the bloggers are WordPress, Blogger, Drupal, Tumblr, Blogsmith and many more.

4. Know about the features and demerits/merits of using blogging platforms

This is a vital point that you must analyze while selecting a specific blogging platform. There are certainly some merits and demerits of using each of the blogging platforms. For instance, some free platforms will not give you the permission to control your own blog content or even allow you to promote your blog to attract potential readers. The best way to select a free blogging platform is by gaining detail information about its features and policies in order to choose the best.

5. Choose a domain name and web hosting provider

Now it’s time for you to choose a domain name for posting a blog on web. In order to do so, you need to search for a domain name which will help people to become aware about the types of blogs that you are going to post. You can also choose a domain name that features your own name or even your company’s name. After choosing a domain name, you need to select a web hosting provider which will store all your valuable blogs. Since there are various web hosting providers on the web, it will certainly be wise for you to choose a specific one that offers best Page load speed and good up time.

6. Create an account in the Blogging platform

Now you need to sign up on a specific blogging platform and then customize your blog according to the needs of your valuable readers. Ensure to become well-familiar with the various settings of the specific blogging platform and even choose themes and layouts which will give a professional look to your blog.

7.Customize the blog

If you want your blog to gain huge popularity then you certainly need to customize it properly in order to make user-friendly for the readers. You can add headers and footers or even upload images which will give your blog a unique look. Besides this, you can also link your URL to other popular websites in order to attract potential traffic in a smart way. Lastly, it will always be wise to make your blog website user-friendly to the various popular search engines. Always ensure to post unique content in order to attract potential readers towards your website in the best possible way.

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Online advertising is one of the most effective ways for businesses


Online advertising is one of the most effective ways for businesses of all sizes to expand their reach, find new customers, and diversify their revenue streams.

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Sunny Leone


Bio of Sunny Leone

Karanjit Kaur Vohra, popularly known by her stage name Sunny Leone, is one of the famous Indian Canadian Actresses,business woman and ex-adult movie star born on 13th of May 1981 in Sarnia,Ontario, Canada. She was born to a Sikh Punjab family. Leone’s father was a Tibetan who was raised in Delhi and her mother was born in Sirmaur, a small village in Himachal Pradesh. According to reports, her father died of cancer in2010 while her mother got expired in 2008. She has a brother named Sundeep Vohra, who is a famous Chef by profession. Leone completed her schooling from Catholic school in 1999. At the age of 13 years, her family moved to Fort Gratiot, Michigan and then later on to the Lake Forest, California.


Professional Career of Sunny Leone

Sunny Leone started her professional career by working in Jiffy Lube, a German Bakery and later on joined a tax and retirement firm. While studying Pediatrics course in a college, she got the opportunity to meet John Stevens, a famous exotic dancer, who later on helped her in introducing to Jay Allen, a professional photographer for Penthouse magazine. Sunny Leone started her modeling career by posing for Penthouse magazine and later on for many popular magazines such as Club International, High Society, AVN Online, Leg World, Swank, Lowrider,etc. In 2003, she got the appreciation as Penthouse Pet of the Year and thereby got opportunity to be starred in video Penthouse Pets in Paradise. Later in the year Sunny Leone got transitioned into the world of Adult movies by signing 3year contract with Vivid Entertainment. She also received AVN Award after being casted in the movie Virtual Vivid Girl Sunny Leone. In the year 2009, SunnyLeone partnered with Daniel Weber, a male actor and started her own studio, Sunlust Pictures. After her retirement from the adult industry in the year 2013, she entered into the Big Boss 5 and thereby earned huge fame in this popular Indian Reality show in which she confronted of being an adult movie star in the past.This was certainly her first step that gave her an opportunity to get into Bollywood industry.  


free indian classified websites

India’s Leading Classified Portal which provides Free Classified Posting with 30 days of Ad Active Validity.
It has copy ad as unique feature which is used to post same ads in multiple cities in one click.

The Corporate Hours also provides Free Business Listing, Search Listing based on City, Locality, Industry and Services wise. Listing Shows in List View and Map View.
User can save favorite Business.

The Corporate Hours provides 2 free tools.
1) Travel Expense Management: Users can manage their travel expense and get the report of expenses.

2) Blog Writing: To promote the products and services users can use blog tool to create blog and publish it.

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India’s Leading Classified Portal which provides Free Classified Posting with 30 days of Ad Active Validity.
It has copy ad as unique feature which is used to post same ads in multiple cities in one click.

The Corporate Hours also provides Free Business Listing, Search Listing based on City, Locality, Industry and Services wise. Listing Shows in List View and Map View.
User can save favorite Business.

The Corporate Hours provides 2 free tools.
1) Travel Expense Management: Users can manage their travel expense and get the report of expenses.

2) Blog Writing: To promote the products and services users can use blog tool to create blog and publish it.